It's been a while and I hope this blog post finds you and brings you joy or insight.
There has been a lot of talk over the past couple months about why the Democrats lost the 2024 Election. All of it is bunk though, because it does not get to the core of the matter, but just dances around it. Let me tell you in the simplest terms why the Dems lost in 2024.
The Dems lost because America is, at its core, a deeply and toxically racist and misogynist country. Yep. That's the hard fact. Even people who do not identify as racist or sexist are, by virtue of being part of the American Institution, racist and sexist. It's why we have DEI, because Americans KNOW they fundamentally cannot make unbiased hiring decisions in the workplace (the unqualified white male will almost always get chosen for the job over the qualified minority candidate, just by the nature of them being white and male, with the assumed dominance and superiority that goes along with that stereotype).
The Democrats nobly, but fatally, chose a black woman to lead their party at the national level in 2024 and - as hard as it may be to hear this - that doomed them. Because they chose a candidate that the soul of America was poisoned against at a fundamental level on both counts: racism and sexism.
It added insult to injury that the populism of the other party made racism and misogyny mainstream and acceptable (The Tolerance Paradox). But they were just giving voice to a vile cancer that has infected America since its inception. The sooner we accept that, the better. The Dems should have held a crash convention after Biden dropped out and chosen a charismatic white male, even if that individual would be, by definition, less qualified than Kamala Harris, because that's the nature of America, and you need to understand that nature if you want to win elections. If you don't care about winning elections, put up the most qualified candidate. But you will lose if it is not a white male. You might argue that Barack Obama was elected twice. That's true. But if he had been a she, she would not have been elected.
So, there you go. Feel free to leave a question or comment, if you want to explore this further. But in summary, any other explanation for why the Dems lost other than the one above is wrong. We should tackle racism and sexism in schools and in workplaces and in public, to try to cure the country of these cancers. But until we do, white males will continue to dominate, no matter how distasteful that is to accept.
A good day to you.
The End.