
Boycotting to Vote with Your Dollars

Hi Readers!

I hope this blog post finds you and brings you joy, happiness, insight, and/or pragmatic action items to move your life forward in a positive way.

Today I am advocating for BOYCOTTS. Of EVERYTHING. Most people are of the accurate belief that America is moving in the wrong direction, sociopolitically, and that most people are powerless to do anything about it because of the special interests who basically run everything. Historically, populaces would resist such deception and corruption by their politicians by striking. And, ideally, Americans today would engage in a mass GENERAL STRIKE - comprising refusal to work and boycotts of the offending companies' products - to persuade leaders to engage in more desirable and beneficial behavior. That's more challenging to do today though.

But what is not more challenging to do today is BOYCOTTING things and voting with your DOLLARS. There are two ways to vote with your dollars and protect America from the corporate/fascist takeover.

1. Boycott big multinational corporations and their products. Instead, buy local at mom and pop shops in your community. This supports the local economy and sticks it to THE MAN at the national and global level. Don't buy from Amazon or other giant online retailers. Instead, find your desired product on Amazon or other giant online retailer, but instead of buying it, ask a local mom and pop retailer to get the product for you from their wholesaler. They may even try to match Amazon's (or other giant online retailer's) price.

2. Boycott social media. By now, you should be aware that social media is FREE for the public to use because the public is the PRODUCT! Social media companies make billions by selling advertisers YOUR EYEBALLS (time spend on screens looking at social media and embedded advertisements). As a result, social media companies also actively work to make social media platforms as ADDICTIVE to your eyeballs as possible. And it works! Have you ever tried to go without social media for a week? Or even a day? No. Because you literally cannot withdraw your brain from the addictiveness of social media without significant emotional distress. The social media algorithms also exploit your private web history to target advertisements to you (Alexa even listens passively to your conversations and feeds this into the algorithms). You can actually turn off this advertiser matching feature in a lot of social media platforms. And you should!

If 25% of Americans engaged in the above BOYCOTTS, it would have a significant impact on socioeconomic policy. Because, even though you or I have very little power and voice in our sociopolitics (besides voting), big corporate entities have a lot of power and voice. And if we collectively f**k with their bottom lines, they will make a stink about it to politicians and policy makers, and change is possible.

If you read this post and agree with it, please share it with your tribe and let's get the ball moving on this s**t ASAP.

Have great day!

The End.

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