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Hi, I’m Joe Leonard and I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist (MS, LMFT) in Madison WI, owner of Palm Tree Family Therapy LLC. I also write, perform, and produce rock-n-roll music with my band GUPPY EFFECT. I identify as vegan and I host the popular blog Bike With Joe.

Everything is where I want and need it to be in my life, so I am not currently taking on any new projects. Instead, I am staying focused and avoiding distractions. I spend all my time on these things right now (updated 10/1/2024):
To keep myself focused, I say NO to any requests that aren’t related to the things listed above. I wish I could do more, but I have just exactly the right amount of things on my plate - I don't need any extra. However, if you really feel like your project deserves my attention, I am accepting written proposals only.

If my activities change, I’ll update this page. Last update was October 1, 2024.

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