
A Recipe: Oil Free Vegan Southwest Tofu Breakfast Scramble - Super Easy!

I love this simple, tasty, whole food, plant-based recipe for a vegan, oil-free, southwest tofu breakfast scramble. The tofu is in place of scrambled eggs.


1/2 cup cheap red wine (you can also use red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, veggie broth, or a combination).
A bit of lime juice (optional).
1/2 tsp garam masala or curry powder.
1/2 tsp chili powder.
1/2 tsp ground black pepper.
1/2 tsp cumin.
1/2 tsp dried basil.
1/2 tsp ground thyme.
1/2 tsp dried rosemary.
1/2 tsp of turmeric.
salt to taste (optional).
ground cayenne pepper to taste (optional).
50 grams or so of mushrooms (chopped).
A russet potato (chopped).
A medium zucchini or yellow summer squash (chopped).
A medium red, yellow, or orange pepper (chopped).
A half cup of red, yellow, and/or white onion (chopped).
Note: You can chop and add additional veggies if you want!
Half a block (about 8-10 oz) of extra or super firm tofu mashed up with a potato masher.
100 grams of cooked red kidney beans (quasi-optional).

Add the herbs and spices to the red wine (with or without lime juice) and stir it all up.

Put all the veggies (but not the tofu and beans) in a big saucepan and pour the red wine sauce over them.

Crank the heat to high for 5 minutes to get the wine sauce boiling and stir frequently.

Add the tofu and beans, then immediately reduce heat to medium/low for 5 more minutes and stir frequently.

Reduce heat to low and simmer for a few more minutes until potatoes are cooked how you like them.

Eat it and enjoy,

KEYWORDS: best weight loss diet, vegan diet, healthy breakfast, tofu breakfast scramble, vegan southwest scramble

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